- adj. 普遍的,廣泛的;分布廣的
- widespread damage
- 廣泛的損壞
- The plan received widespread support throughout the country.
- 這項計劃得到了全國的普遍支持。
- There is widespread support for the new proposals...
- 新提議獲得了廣泛的支持。
- Food shortages are widespread.
- 食物短缺的情況很普遍。
- One old magpie began wrapping itself up very carefully.
- 一只老喜鵲非常小心地用羽毛裹緊自己的身體.
- This disease is widespread in tropical areas.
- 這種疾病在熱帶地區蔓延很廣.
- The new laws gained widespread acceptance.
- 新法令受到廣泛贊同.
- Plastic is in widespread use.
- 塑料已被廣泛地使用.
- He has an incurable and widespread nepotism.
- 他們有不可救藥的,到處蔓延的裙帶主義.
- There is a widespread testimony that this ominous fact is due to inherent biological defects in the crowded life of cities.
- 有一個普遍的證據可以說明這種不吉利的事實歸咎于城市擁擠生活中的固有的生態缺陷.
- The institution of slavery was once widespread.
- 奴隸制度一度廣為流行.
- English is a widespread language.
- 英語是一種很普及的語言.
- The most widespread drug addiction is to alcohol, tobacco, and sleeping pills.
- 上癮最多的東西是酒 、 煙和安眠藥.
- The enemy bombs caused widespread destruction.
- 敵人的炸彈造成大面積的破壞.
- A widespread wish expressed that he should continue in office.
- 人們普遍都愿意他留任.
- The atrocity caused widespread indignation.
- 那暴行引起了普遍的憤慨.
- There is widespread apathy among the electorate.
- 選民普遍態度冷淡。
- The central issue is that of widespread racism.
- 最重要的問題是種族主義的到處泛濫。
- There was widespread condemnation of the invasion.
- 那次侵略遭到了人們普遍的譴責。
- There is widespread discontent among the staff at the proposed changes to pay and conditions.
- 員工對改變工資和工作環境的建議普遍不滿。
- There is widespread disillusionment with the present government.
- 人們對現政府普遍感到失望。
- These changes are bound to have widespread social ramifications.
- 這些變化注定會造成許多難以預料的社會后果。
- There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign.
- 人們紛紛推測她將辭職。
- There was widespread support for him among the rank and file.
- 那些普通職員們都普遍支持他。
- There is widespread support for the new proposals.
- 新提議獲得了廣泛的支持。
- The deaths occurred when police acted to stop widespread looting and vandalism.
- 警方采取行動制止猖狂的打砸搶行為時有多人喪生。
- He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect.
- 他是個資深議員,其觀點受到廣泛尊重。
- The proposed modifications met with widespread approval.
- 修改提議得到了廣泛的贊同。
- The pound's weakness compounded the widespread gloom in the City.
- 英鎊的疲軟加重了籠罩在倫敦金融區上空的慘淡愁云。
- Widespread political and economic disarray threatens to make the constitution meaningless.
- 四處蔓延的政治和經濟混亂可能會使憲法變得可有可無。