- adj. 不必要的;多余的,無用的
- unnecessary expense
- 不必要的花費
- They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals.
- 他們因虐待動物而被判有罪。
- All this fuss is totally unnecessary .
- 這場紛擾是完全可以避免的。
- That last comment was a little unnecessary, wasn't it?
- 那最后一點評論有點多余,不是嗎?
- There's no point worrying him unnecessarily.
- 沒有必要讓他過于擔心。
- unnecessarily complicated instructions
- 過分復雜的指令
- The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman...
- 屠殺鯨魚是沒有必要的也是不人道的。
- He accused Diana of making an unnecessary fuss.
- 他責備黛安娜沒必要那么大驚小怪。
- All government departments, enterprises and institutions must make every cent count and prohibit all unnecessary expenses.
- 所有機關 、 企業、事業單位,都要精打細算,禁止各種不必要的開支.
- You should avoid unnecessary worry.
- 你應該避免不必要的擔憂.
- A false positive causes unnecessary anxiety until the test is redone.
- 在重測之前假陽性結果可引起人們不必要的焦慮.
- Unnecessary effort will be reduced as much as possible because we will have increased market intelligence.
- 不必要的努力會盡可能地減少,因為我們的市場情報將會增加.
- The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time.
- 會計及時卡住了這筆不必要的開支.
- There's no sense in taking unnecessary risks.
- 做不必要的冒險毫無意義.
- This renders it unnecessary for me to do anything.
- 這使我無需做任何事情.
- He found it unnecessary for us to stay behind.
- 他感到我們不必要留下來.
- He cancelled many unnecessary words in his manuscript.
- 他把原稿上許多多余的詞刪掉.
- I cancelled many unnecessary words in my manuscript.
- 我把我原稿許多不需要的字刪去了.
- Don't involve yourself in unnecessary dispute.
- 不要把自己卷入無謂的爭論中.
- We shall have to trim away the unnecessary parts of the spending.
- 我們必須削減不必要的開支.
- It's unnecessary to go into details.
- 無須細說.
- Cut out the paragraph unnecessary for the essay.
- 刪掉論文中不必要的段落.
- We edited out some unnecessary words or sentences from the draft.
- 我們從原稿中刪去某些不必要的詞句.
- While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.
- 雖然拖延的傾向是普遍的, 但是人們應該充分考慮到不必要的延誤造成的有害影響.
- In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details.
- 在寫這份報告時,我把一切不必要的細節全都刪除了.
- Don't labo ( u ) r the reader with unnecessary detail.
- 不要用不必要的細節使讀者疲倦.
- As we are old friends, it is totally unnecessary to stand on ceremony.
- 都是老朋友, 大可不必如此客氣.
- It is unnecessary to go into details.
- 毋庸贅述.