- n. 腳(foot的復數形式);尺;韻腳
- The mountain rises 6000 feet above sea level.
- 那山海拔6000英尺.
- Shoes that are too tight deform the feet.
- (穿)太緊的鞋子會使腳變形.
- Snow accumulated to a depth of five feet.
- 積雪達5英尺.
- He's beginning to feel his feet now that he's been working here over a month.
- 他在這兒已經干了一個多月,開始有些信心了.
- These shoes pinch my feet.
- 這雙鞋把我的腳夾痛了.
- She could feel the rolling motion of the ship under her feet.
- 她能感覺到腳下船在晃動.
- The soles of his feet were raw with chilblain.
- 他的腳底生了凍瘡很疼痛.
- He dragged his tired feet slowly along.
- 他拖著疲倦的步子慢慢地走著.
- The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her.
- 泰坦尼克號及時地轉了方向, 勉強避開了高聳在它旁邊超過海面一百英尺的一塊巨大的冰墻.
- Don't shuffle your feet along.
- 別拖著腳步走.
- The boy stumbled on the stairs but was able to keep his feet.
- 這男孩在樓梯上絆了一下,但沒有跌倒.
- The waterfall makes a sheer drop of one thousand feet.
- 瀑布從一千英尺的高處直瀉而下.
- Mind where you put your feet; you could step on some broken glass.
- 注意腳底下, 你可能會踩在碎玻璃上.
- The ground suddenly sank under his feet.
- 他腳下的土地突然陷下去了.
- The flood has risen two feet.
- 洪水上漲兩英尺.
- He stamped his feet as he waited with barely concealed impatience for the telephone.
- 他等電話時跺腳,幾乎掩蓋不住焦急的心情.
- He always tackles problems straight away. He's not the kind of person to let the grass grow under his feet.
- 他不是那種懶散的人,總是一有問題就馬上處理.
- My feet hurt when I walk.
- 我走路時腳痛.
- The tree has a circumference of 6 feet.
- 這棵樹周長6英尺.
- She sank gracefully down onto a cushion at his feet.
- 她優雅地坐到他腳旁的墊子上.
- The third baseman let the ball roll between his feet.
- 第三名壘手讓球從他的兩只腳之間滾了過去.
- Now the class is under the new teacher's feet.
- 現在這個班已完全在這位新老師的控制之下.
- The ground quaked [ trembled ] under his feet.
- 大地在他腳下 顫動.
- The tube is ten feet wide in the clear.
- 這管子內徑寬十英尺.
- He threw himself at her feet and asked her forgiveness.
- 他匍匐在她腳下,乞求她原諒他.
- The passage ended blindly fifty feet away.
- 那條通道在五十英尺外突然中斷了.
- The sky diver had a plunge of more than 10 , 000 feet before his parachute opened.
- 那個跳傘運動員墜落了一萬多英尺,他的降落傘才打開.
- Wipe your feet on the mat before you come in, please.
- 請在墊子上擦擦腳再進來。
- The audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet.
- 觀眾隨即起立歡呼。
- the tramp of marching feet
- 行進中沉重的腳步聲