- n. 被告
- adj. 被控告的
- v. 指責;控告(accuse的過去式)
- The accused was found innocent.
- 被告被判定無罪。
- All the accused have pleaded guilty.
- 所有被告都表示服罪。
- The accused is alleged to be a member of a right-wing gang...
- 據稱被告是某右翼組織的成員。
- The fifteen accused, young men from different parts of England, denied the charges.
- 被告是15名來自英格蘭各地的年輕男子,他們對指控矢口否認。
- I was an administrative intern with the B . S . E. last summer.
- 我去年夏季在藍星電子公司任管理實習生.
- Two policemen were accused of tampering with the evidence.
- 有兩名警察被控篡改證據.
- The council was often accused of extremism.
- 人們常抨擊該委員會的極端主義.
- The only time I had a brush with the law was when I was falsely accused of taking away a car without the owner's consent.
- 我唯一的一次差一點險些碰到法律的行為是,我被誣告沒有得到主人的同意就將其車開走.
- Many businesses are accused of discriminating against women.
- 許多企業被控有歧視婦女的做法.
- They accused the police of brutality.
- 他們譴責警察的野蠻行為.
- Everybody knows he was wrongly accused.
- 誰都知道他被誣告了.
- The detective tried to pin the murder on the accused man.
- 那偵探企圖把殺人的罪名加在那個被告的身上.
- The accused had thrown dust in the eyes of the police by giving them a false alibi.
- 被告向警方提供偽證,以此轉移了他們的視線.
- The accused man had a lawyer to defend him.
- 被告有一律師為他辯護.
- The wife of the accused has maintained an impartial stance throughout the trial.
- 在整個審判過程中,被告的妻子保持了不偏不倚的態度.
- She was accused of deliberately misleading Parliament.
- 她被指控故意誤道議會.
- The guilt of the accused man was in doubt.
- 被告之罪有疑問.
- They accused him of selling out the interests of the people.
- 他們指責他出賣人民的利益.
- She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.
- 她被指控企圖蒙騙稅務員。
- He was accused of being disloyal to the government.
- 他被指控對政府不忠。
- He was accused of plagiarizing his colleague's results.
- 他被指控剽竊同事的成果。
- The airline was accused of playing Russian roulette with passenger safety.
- 這家航空公司被指責將乘客安全當兒戲。
- He's accused of misusing $17.5 million from a secret government slush fund.
- 他被指控濫用秘密的政府行賄基金,金額達1,750萬美元。
- He has been accused of inciting racial hatred.
- 他被控煽動種族仇恨。
- He was accused of putting up a smokescreen to hide poor standards in schools.
- 他被指責放煙幕彈企圖掩蓋學校教育水平低下的事實。
- A former Finance Minister and five senior civil servants are accused of fraud.
- 一名前財政大臣和五名高級公務員被指控詐騙。
- The candidate stands accused of breaking promises even before he's in office.
- 該候選人還未上任就遭指責違背諾言。
- She accused the Foreign Office of disgraceful failure to support British citizens arrested overseas.
- 她指責說,外交部未能給在海外被捕的英國公民提供支持是可恥的。
- She was sent for trial yesterday accused of pushing drugs.
- 她因被控販毒昨天被送交法院接受審判。
- The old judge doesn't like the thought of no one going in to bat for the accused.
- 老法官不希望沒有人為被告辯護。