- adj. 封建制度的;領地的;世仇的
- the feudal system
- 封建制度
- ...the emperor and his feudal barons.
- 皇帝和封建貴族
- In feudal society officials had entirely different attitudes towards common people, and imperial relatives.
- 封建社會中官員對百姓和皇親的態度截然不同.
- Bureaucracy is the derivation of feudal despotism, it is a long and complex historical phenomenon.
- 官僚主義是封建專制主義的派生物, 是一種長期存在的、復雜的歷史現象.
- During feudal times, emperors had a monopoly on power.
- 在封建社會中, 皇帝獨攬大權.
- Among feudal monarchs in ancient China, Tang Taizong Li Shimin is most extolled by historians.
- 在我國歷代的封建帝王中, 最受史家稱頌的莫過于唐太宗李世民.
- Her lifetime is ruined in feudalism feudal and rite, is devour by merciless feudalism family.
- 她的一生葬送于封建禮教, 被無情的封建家庭吞噬激情六月天論壇.
- Feudal rulers ruled over the country several thousand years.
- 封建統治者統治這個國家幾千年.
- In feudal society, the Roman church regarded scientific theories as heretical beliefs.
- 在封建社會, 羅馬教會把科學理論當成是異端邪說.
- The conditions of ancient marriage accorded with feudal proprieties and were closely related with feudal ethic.
- 中國古代婚姻的條件是封建禮法所決定的,與封建倫理道德密不可分.
- The feudal system lasted for two thousand years in China.
- 封建制度在中國延續了兩千年之久.
- He was a feudal lord.
- 他是封建領主.
- Ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord under feudal law.
- 自己所效忠的君主;忠誠的臣子.
- The vast majority of rural areas have retained a feudal land ownership and strict feudal hierarchy.
- 農村絕大部分地區保留著封建土地所有制,并實行嚴格的封建等級制度.
- Many people look back with nostalgia to feudal times.
- 許多人留戀不舍地回顧封建時代.
- This historical novel illustrates the breaking up of feudal society in microcosm.
- 這部歷史小說是走向崩潰的封建社會的縮影.
- All these old novels bear the religions and superstitious characters of the feudal society.
- 所有這些舊小說都具有封建社會的宗教迷信性.
- All through the feudal ages the ruling class did their best to shackle women with Confucian ethics.
- 歷代封建統治階級都力圖用禮教把婦女禁錮起來.
- Some feudal states were ruled by autocratic kings.
- 有些封建國家由專制的國王統治.
- The book merely touches on the main contradiction of feudal society, it does not go into it deeply.
- 這本書僅僅觸及而沒有深刻揭示封建社會的主要矛盾.
- In the old days , she used to be bullied in the feudal family.
- 過去,在那個封建家庭里, 她受了不少氣.
- Feudal society was rigidly stratified.
- 封建社會等級森嚴.
- Feudal rulers often branded those who rebelled against them as traitors and heretics.
- 封建統治者常給那些反抗他們的人加上大逆不道的罪名.
- Japan has advanced from a rural, feudal society to an urban, industrial power.
- 日本已從封建農業社會發展成一個城市化工業強國。
- Diplomacy was in his blood: his ancestors had been feudal lords.
- 他天生擅長交際:他的祖先曾是封建領主。